Preserving our History, Preserving our Truth

image from “LGBTQ Institute in Germany Was Burned Down by Nazis,” by Lucy Diavolo, Sep 20, 2017  –   During this Pride Month, I am working with others toward a possible grant for the Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest...

1920s Prohibition in Portland, Oregon

Temperance Worker with Portland Police, c. 1920 Photo from The Oregon History Project The long struggle for passage of alcohol prohibition was bound up with the long struggle for women’s suffrage. Opponents of prohibition knew that once women got the right to vote,...

Birth Control & Early 1900s Radicals

Emma Goldman’s mugshot In the 1870s, a social purity movement led to the passage of the Comstock laws, which forbade the distribution of obscene materials through the US mail. Birth control information and devices were considered obscene materials. Women of...

Latest News 02-19-2018

Latest News: On Feb. 19, 2018, Alan Rose wrote: “The Book Chat interview has been uploaded to my website. KLTV has begun airing it.” Alan’s interview with me was recorded in January of this year. It covers my novel Acquaintance, the KKK, and the...

Immigration and the KKK

We must examine in historical context the attitude expressed by Donald Trump that America needs more immigrants from Norway. A December 22, 2016 article on the Right Wing Watch website notes: “In an interview with [Steve] Bannon in October 2015, [then Senator Jeff]...